Thursday, June 19, 2008

Time to get away!

Well yesterday I had to leave work early due to a headache. I am definitely My Mother's Daughter. We get horrible headaches (tension headaches, Migraine's whatever you want to call them) I could have just stuck it out but Travis who Is the 1 year old has had a fever and has been teething really bad was scream and crying all day. So anyways now its 10:00 pm and after some sleep and finally keeping some food down I am feeling better.
Kendra arrived safely today! Since my mom has to work during the week I have been the one trying to plan things for us to do while Kendra is visiting. Were leaving for Mexico tomorrow
until Saturday afternoon so that should be a lot of fun. I just got us all tickets to see a padre baseball game (Mom, Dad, Zach, Phil, Kendra and I ), We are going to the San Diego Fair on Monday (Kendra, Zach and I) She is coming to work with me on Tuesday and we are going to take the boys to the Birch Aquarium, Friday Kendra and Mom are going to come to my house for a beach day and some shopping. That's all I got so far but it looks like a pretty fun week. This could be her one and only visit ever so I hope we can make it special for her. I am sure I will take plenty of pictures and will update my blog as the week goes on.


Gary ("Old Dude") said...

then there is the Mission San Juan Capistrano, Old town in SD.,and if all else fails there is always Disneyland---sounds like you have things pretty much under control, I am sure Kendra can advise about places she has heard about and would like to check out.Looking forward to the pics

A Visit With Joyce said...

Have a great time, sure Kendra will enjoy herself.

Wendy said...

Have a great time, hope you feel better.

Gary ("Old Dude") said...

something I meant to advise on earlier----I find it difficult to read your text on your blog layout, with the dark background, I have to highlight your blog to read it. You might want to use a lighter colored text---just a thought, remember I'm an old guy with poor eyesight.

Gary ("Old Dude") said...

Don't look now, but I just tagged ya for a Meme (see my blog for details)