Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Layla had a play date over the weekend

This is our friends dog "Boggie" and Layla of course. Our neighbor slow cooking some pork and gave us the bones afterwards. The dogs were in heaven. All day!!
Kendra my Cousin is coming into down tomorrow. We have never met so I am really looking forward to meeting her and spending some time with her.
We are taking off for Mexico Thursday late afternoon for two nights. Layla is coming with us because Phil is working all weekend and I thought she would have more fun with me :) I hope the weather is nice so Kendra can see Mexico at its finest.


Gary ("Old Dude") said...

I am so glad Layla has a lil friend, I was SOOOOOO worried that she wasn't getting any attention and might be lonely-----rightttt. (rotten dog)----and now lets see you got a cousin Kendra----this family is getting waay to big, but I am guessing this is a cousin from your Mom's side of the Family right?So now let me get this right, if Kendra is YOUR cousin, that would make her my what 3rd cousin removed, or hey maybe a kissing cousin ??

Judi said...

I am excited for Kendra too!! I even think Dad is a little excited to have company.

Kalo's World said...

I hope you all have a wonderful time, please take lots of pictures!!

A Visit With Joyce said...

have fun sugar, love the dog pics,
save some sun in mexico for me

Wendy said...

Hope you all have a great time with Kendra. don't forget to post!