Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Photo Shoot

These were taken after our Father's Day Beach Day. We had some friends over to watch the Laker Game and to Play some Poker. I Won last game. Not to Brag or anything. So I hope to Win tonight too.
Not a very good picture AT ALL. But I had a small window to take a picture of me and my Brother and that is just what we got.
I secretly celebrated Phil today. This is his first year being a "Daddy to our Doggie" (Oh he would be so embarrassed if he saw this) But Ain't he a cutie. How did I get so lucky?

1 comment:

Gary ("Old Dude") said...

Well can see your back to the rotten dog stuff again. and I assume the remarks under the second pic, were in reference to Layla---that dog has never been imbarrassed with having his pic taken, and the other
dog" has a nice smile, whats his name??---oooh yeah Phil (nice pics)