Thursday, June 5, 2008

This is something to think about

What will you do differently this time around? What have you learned that you did not know last year, about yourself? About life? About the world? About what God wants for you? About what your GUT is saying?And....that is my challenge for you today......think hard about your life......and remember that today is a day to start over on ANYTHING that needs starting over....and really ask yourself....WHAT WILL I DO DIFFERENTLY THIS TIME AROUND?What would you do differently this time around?

Well I would love to just BREATH! I get so worked up and I just would love to just breath and calm myself down. I would like to breath before I make quick decisions and then think about it after my decision is made. I would also love to not be so damn moody.

1 comment:

Gary ("Old Dude") said...

I can only speak for myself in response to the question your have raised. In my case, I would "Hear" others expectations of me, add in my own likes, dislikes, review in my head what the plus and minus aspects of my decision might be---(like YOU said, take some deep breathes), and make my decisions. looking back on my life---I gave to much attention to what others wanted me to be like, and not enough about what made ME happy.