Saturday, May 10, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

My Mom...

Is a Strong Individual, Passionate about things she loves, Loyal to those she cares for, Creative, Good Friend, Great Listener, Beautiful Inside and Out!I can't even really explain what my mom means to me (Very well that is). She will hold my hand Until I am ready for her to let go. She is always supportive and never criticizes choices I make. She is loud, really loud!! She does the Job's know one wants to do, or will do. She steps in when everyone else steps out. She is a reliable. She makes me want to be a better woman. If my Children someday look at me the way I look at her, I'll know I did a great job. I am Proud to have her as my mother. I love you mom!

Happy Mother's Day to all the mother's


Wendy said...

What a wonderful young lady you are.

I can only hope my daughter feels the same way about me later in life.

Very nicely said, Thanks for making me cry!

Kalo's World said...

What a wonderful testimony to your mom. You are such an amazing young woman and I know your mom is very proud. Gotta wipe the tears here too.

Gary ("Old Dude") said...

and she gives ya visiting priveledges to see Layla too (damn dog gets waaay to much attention). I appreciate your comments about your Mom----its nice that your make those statements for the world to read, says alot about you----and your mom.

Judi said...

Thanks Honey!! Now I just have to live up to the kind words. And you will a great Mom no don't about that. Remember Its in your genes.

Judi said...

What's that stupid thing doing around my neck?? LOL