Monday, May 12, 2008


Today is Phil's first official day at work! He works a 12-12 shift today. So that leaves me for a quiet night to myself. I ordered take out ,1/2 Cajun shrimp salad yum yum. I Rented two movies "P.S I love you" and "27 dresses" . One for tonight and one for tomorrow. I didn't want Phil to have to suffer through my girly movies. Although I must inform you I had to suffer through two of Phil's picks this past week. Do not watch the following movies. Horrible Horrible Horrible! "Cloverfield" and "The Mist" both have horrible endings and not worth seeing.


Judi said...

Thanks for the movie tips. I refused to watch the mist all ready.

Anonymous said...

O wow lex, i hope you have a box of tissues handy for PS i love you...i left a puddle on the floo when i left the theater. PS. layla is adorable

Wendy said...

loved 27 DRESSES....PS I love you not so much, I don't like the girl in it. so that ruined, because the guy was yummma.........

Enjoy your girls night!