Monday, May 26, 2008

90% chance were going to Mexico!

Phil found someone to cover his shift! We are just waiting to make sure that it goes through the computers correctly without any problems. So I have spent the day packing (Layla, food,cloths), went to blockbuster for some movies, just in case. Bank, fill up my gas tank $50 ouch :/ grocery store for some munchies and white bean chili ingredients. DONE! now tomorrow morning we just wake up and take off! Layla is thrilled. It will be her very first time to Mexico!! she even posed for some pictures for me. She has been following me around all day. Layla is now 4 1/2 months old!

She just finished all her shots!! She is consistently gaining 3 pounds every month since we got her. She currently weighs 9 pounds! We predict that she is about half her potential weight.

She has such a beautiful smile!!


Gary ("Old Dude") said...

Do they allow animals to come into the country without having to go into quaratine? how about returning?? Anyway sounds like a great time will be had by all. Have a good one.

Lexi said...

All layla needs is a copy of her rabies shot and her registration papers. If they don't let us back in at least i'll have myself a beach house in mexico and that aint so bad!

Kalo's World said...

Hope you guys have fun in Mexico. FYI, the PC term for Boggie is an all american, not a mutt :)

Wendy said...

I just love that little dog, she is sooo cute.

Hope you have a great trip!

can't wait for photos when you get back!