Sunday, May 25, 2008

Layla had a Play Date!

Today Our friends came over with their dog "Boggie" who is some sort of small mix (mutt). Layla loved him because they were about the same size. We took them to a park and let them run around for about an hour, while we played boche ball. Which ended up being WONDERFUL because now Layla is passed out and not driving Phil and I crazy. I made enchiladas tonight yum! and Phil and I are just going to relax on this beautiful Sunday evening. Hopefully we will be taking off for Mexico on Tuesday, if Phil can arrange to take off of work. I hope he gets it off because Mexico is just the place i would love to be right now.


Wendy said...

Oh, I hope you get to go to Mexico,
Crossing my fingers you that Phil can get off. Mitch is working so we are hanging out at home.

Kalo's World said...

Sounds like you had a great day. Get some pictures next time :-) Hope you get to go to Mexico.

Judi said...

I am glad Layla had a good play date. She is so sweet. I can't wait until I get to have her again.

Gary ("Old Dude") said...

I want your recipe for enchilada's, actually what I want to know is the temp and cooking time once ya got them assembled? Sounds like a fun time in Mexico is in the works.

Anonymous said...

When do I get to babysit your baby? I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to tell you about Mexico and dogs. With all of the fireworks Mimi would freak out the whole time they were going off. I hope Layla doesn't experience that since their hearing is so acute it must be horrible for them. Her pictures are so cute!! Are you coming on Saturday to the party?? Hope so. Bring Layla. Everyone is welcome especially furry family members. I love you. Thank you for all the positive feedback on my novice blogging. xx