Saturday, July 5, 2008

July 5th!!

Today would have been my Grandmother's 82nd birthday I believe. I could be wrong but I am pretty sure she would be 82 years old. She passed away this year and I know its silly to celebrate her today but... I miss her so much and I can't help but think of her today. If she were here I would have brought her some turtles (chocolate candy), maybe some lottery tickets, but definitely something sweet. I am so fortunate to have spent so much time with her. I loved her very much. This photo is of her all dressed up. I love this photo I feel like it shows her inner spirit. This is what I want to remember like. I love those glasses she always wore! If you take a close look at the picture below you will notice a couple piles of quarters. I am sure she was handing those out to us Grand kids .

The picture above was taken at my Senior Presence (National Charity League). I was so surprised that she even came. It meant a lot to me that she was there during those special times in my life.


Judi said...

Great tribute Honey. I miss her too!!

Gary ("Old Dude") said...

Wow, that post left a lump in my throat. (Thanks for sharing the pics of Agnes)