Friday, July 18, 2008


At Last it is Friday, Yippee. I am on my way to Fallbrook to help my mom clean out the Shed, Her craft room at Zach's house and the Garage. We are re-boxing things due to the rats :/ I have bought some plastic bins for some of my stuff. Hopefully we can got a good chunk of it done today. And I am crossing my fingers that it isn't scorching hot in fallbrook. But the odds are not in my favor. I hope everyone has a great Friday!


Wendy said...

Don't let yuor mom work you too hard. I bet your momma liked you mentioning the rats! LOL

Stay Cool!!!

Gary ("Old Dude") said...

RATS??---SOUNDS LIKE A JOB FOR AVI??----Stay tuned sportsfans, Can Layla the wonderdog be saved from the Rats---will Zach learn not to leave cheez-it crumbs on the Patio---but now a word from our Sponsors ---"Halo is the shampoo the glorifies your hair, so HALO everybody HALO,--- HALO SHAMPOO HALO"---NOW Back to our regularly schedule progam-----:)

A Visit With Joyce said...

not to worry honey, grandma will be there in 30 days(but I am not counting)and then i can help if need be.

Kalo's World said...

Hope you too have a great day, even if you will be working in the heat.