Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Sorry I have not blogged in awhile. I have been going non-stop since I got back from Mexico Saturday Afternoon. Saturday Phil and I drove to Rancho Santa Margarita which was about an hour from our house in Oceanside to stay with our friends Jeff and Danielle. They just purchased their first home. I am so happy for them. Then Sunday morning we drove home and Phil's Friend Alex and His wife and 3 month old baby girl Reese came over for a visit. Then Monday Kendra came over and we squeezed so much into our day. Walmart, Bed Bath and Beyond,Target, Ross, We went to see the "Sex and the City Movie" and Got our Nail's done. ahh Long Day. Then Today Kendra came to work with me and we took the boy's to the aquarium, then met mom and dad for sushi. Kendra went home with them for a couple of day's but is coming back on Friday. In the mean time I am taking it easy. But although there has been a lot going on, I have really enjoyed getting to know Kendra.


A Visit With Joyce said...

sugar,save some of the girlie stuff for me.
Glad you and Kendra are having fun,
see ya

Gary ("Old Dude") said...

WAIT A MINUTE???----YOU went to the aquarium, and THEN went out for Sushi??----oooooooh thats-----thats cruel.

Judi said...

Thanks for having her. She did have a good time.

Kalo's World said...

I'm so glad you guys are having a good time. Big hugs to both of you.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Joyce, I'd love a day with you and do some girlie things. I also agree with Gary, whats with the aquarium and sushi. Ha!!! Brings on an appetite hey?
I love that picture of Layla. Was that in Mexico? How is she doing anyway. We need to meet up here pretty soon and again if you need me to doggie sit let me know. If you are taking her to Mexico for the fourth it may be terrifying for her when the fireworks start which is all day there. Just giving you a heads up. Love your site.