Thursday, May 22, 2008

My Little House!

I thought everyone might get a kick out of seeing where I live. I live in Oceanside, two blocks from the beach and one block from the train track's ha ha. Welcome to my little beach house! When I say little I sure do mean little. This is my kitchen .
I am in my kitchen taking a picture of the wall. ha ha. To the left is the front door and you can kind of see in the bathroom. To the right is out "living room".
Our tiny living room.
I am taking this picture in the living room looking out toward our backyard. To the right is the bedroom and the laundry room.
The backyard. Our house is small but it's ours and that's all that matters.


Judi said...

I love your house. Just think how easy it is to clean!!

Kalo's World said...

How cute!! Like your mom said, shouldn't take long to clean that at all. And plenty of room for you, Phil and Layla.

Gary ("Old Dude") said...

see you got a ceiling fan---I don't, and I'm Jealous. You got yourself a damn nice place (and nicely decorated too)

Wendy said...

Great patio area. and just minutes from the beach, I am soo jelous

Anonymous said...

All my life I have had to defend my small house by saying "Well, it's paid for and it's ours". So I know how you feel. Plus, being that close to the beach, who can afford even what YOU call small!!

Now tell the truth. Right before you took that photo of your kitchen, you had to declutter the counter top and move everything behind you.... right? PLEASE say it's so!!