Friday, May 23, 2008

Gloomy Friday!

Tomorrow my friend Laura Graduates (yippee) and then on wed she Moves up North to Stockton (boo hoo) with her boyfriend Ryan who actually used to be one of Phil's roommates. So Phil and I are very sad to see them go. I have known Laura since kindergarten. We went through Elementary, Junior High, and High School together. Then after we Graduated High School I moved down to San Diego and Laura followed a year later. We lived together for 3 years. Then I moved in with Phil and soon after she moved in with her boyfriend Ryan. But now...She is picking up and leaving me (for good i believe). It will be a sad day, but I am happy for her too. I made her a blog page so she could keep me updated on what's going on in her life. I will let you know when she is ready to share with everyone.
This is Laura, Ryan, Phil and I on New years!


Judi said...

I am excited for Laura. Change is good.

Gary ("Old Dude") said...

It was nice you got to enjoy your friend's graduation and spend some time with her before she went north.-----its not like you lost everyting, you still have Layla and whats his name---??---ooh Yeah Phil.