Friday, May 30, 2008


What a beautiful day! My friend Salena came over with her two week old little boy named Aiden. He was so cute, he reminded me of Zach when he was a baby. So i spent most of the day hanging out with them. Now I am going to make myself some carnitas, beans and rice yum. Then hopefully i will be awake when Phil gets home, sometime before 11:00 i hope. Then tomorrow I am going to drive to my parents house so I can hitch a ride with them to Redlands for my uncle's Surprise bash. I hope everyone has a great weekend! I will post pictures later.


Gary ("Old Dude") said...

oh hell, I hadn't really thought about it, but HEY, Bill IS your Uncle---not to be confused with yours truly, your GREAT Uncle---yeahhh, see ya tomorrow

Wendy said...

Hey! No fair a meeting of the Blogs!

Hope ya'll have a great time!
Happy Birthday Uncle Bill!