Friday, May 9, 2008


Layla has been couped up for about 7 hours a day this week in her kennel, while Phil and I are at work. So she has probably been sleeping most of the day, which means when we get home she has all this built up energy. I will take her for a walk when I get home and play fetch with her a million times trying to get all that energy out. It has not been working. Come 11:00 when I am ready for bed ( I know I am a night owl ) She still Isn't. I was up last night from 2:00 am-4:00 am listening to her bark at me. I took her out twice to go to the bathroom, Nothing. We tried putting her in bed with us but she just runs around and keeps us from sleeping. We can't let her out of her kennel because then she will most likely have an accident. Any Advice for Phil and I would greatly be appreciated. I need to sleep and Phil can't save people if she can barely keep his eyes open. Help me !


Kalo's World said...
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Kalo's World said...

I'm no expert but maybe try a wind up alarm clock wrapped in a blanket or stuffed animal in her crate? Also, make sure she has plenty of toys to play with, just nothing with plastic that she can chew apart. Good luck!

Judi said...

I think you need to put her to bed in the living room in her kennel. Good luck!!

Wendy said...

do you have a laundry room or garage, where she could run around all day without destroying everything. Maybe block off the kitchen. Anywhere but the kennel. If not try a sleeping pill! (you) LOL

Gary ("Old Dude") said...

oooh this is to much---what I am hearing here is the failure of two young adults in dealing with a pet, and from what I am being told---Lala is having a hard time gettintg her owners properly trained?

Anonymous said...

I think 7 hours is way too long for a puppy. She will develop a very nervous demeanor or stomach issues. Do you know any young person in your neighborhood who can take her out for a long walk to break up the monotony and loneliness? Do you know anyone who you can leave her with while you are away? Can you take her crate with you to work?? I wish I could be more helpful. I wish I was closer-----------I'd watch her.

xx Tish